Crystal Reports 2016 Key Components

SAP Crystal Reports 2016

SAP Crystal Reports 2016 (Designer) is 32-bit  and can be used in both 32-bit and 64-bit operation system.

Connect to your data

SAP Crystal Reports 2016 is designed to directly connect to multiple information sources that are spread across your organization.

Design pixel-perfect reports

Leverage an intuitive design environment, build faster with design acceleration features, and create powerful data mash-ups.

Create powerful data mash-ups

Enhance report designs with dynamic charts, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, and SAP Crystal Dashboard Design data visualizations.

Connect to virtually any data source

Crystal Reports can access data stored in almost any common database format, as well as many uncommon formats. Data sources include: Microsoft Office (including Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access), SQL, Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and

Design in an intuitive environment

The WYSIWYG report builder offers popular design, integration and deployment options. Intuitive design tools let you create precise report layouts. And templates and wizards reduce the time spent on formatting.

Build faster with design acceleration features

Speed up report design using features such as global formula search, duplicate formula, duplicate running total, a “find-in-field” explorer, and more.

Add SAP Crystal Server 2016 to share reports in multiple ways.

When you add SAP Crystal Server 2016, you can leverage data-driven publishing to schedule and deliver personalized reports to many different stakeholders. In addition, you can provide self-service access to reports for people who need real-time information. You can also deploy reports to mobile devices to provide information to people on-the-go.

Report creation options

Each time you create a new report, you have three options:

  • Use a Report Creation Wizard.
  • Use another report as a model.
  • Create a report from scratch.

You will probably use each option at some time.

Report Creation Wizards

The Report Creation Wizards help create reports as quickly as possible and many new users and developers alike prefer to create the majority of their reports using them. All you have to do is choose the wizard that most closely matches your report type. The wizard walks you through the process of creating reports step-by-step.

Another report

To build a new report based on one that already exists, another report can be used as a model. Open the report you want to use in this way by selecting the Open File option and save it to a new file using Save As (found on the File menu). This method is useful to:

  • Create a new report with a different grouping or different record selection than that of an existing report.
  • Reconstruct a report based on an earlier time period using the same report structure used today.
  • Create an entirely new report based on a set of databases that are linked in another report. You can create a report and delete the fields without disturbing the underlying links. Then, without relinking, you can build all your new reports based on this report.

Crystal Reports also lets you format a report by applying a template.

New report

The Blank Report option is used to create a report from scratch. This is useful when you want the full flexibility and control of building a report from the ground up, or when a report type is different from the many report types available in the wizards.