The Readiness Toolkit for Office add-ins and VBA can help you identify compatibility issues with your Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros (sub procedures), custom functions and add-ins that you use with Office. The Readiness Toolkit includes the Readiness Report Creator, which creates an Excel report with VBA macro compatibility and add-in readiness information to help your organization assess its readiness to move to Microsoft 365 Apps.
You can download the Readiness Toolkit for free from the Microsoft Download Center. We recommend that you always download and use the most current version. The Readiness Toolkit checks if you’re using the most current version when you run a report and will prompt you to download the most current version. You don’t have to uninstall the older version of the Readiness Toolkit before installing the most current version.
The Readiness Toolkit doesn’t repair or fix the code in your VBA macros. If you create an advanced report, the report does provide guidance, when available, for remediating your VBA macro code.
The Readiness Report Creator can scan for VBA macros in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Project, Visio, and Publisher files, for Office versions as far back as Microsoft Office 2003. It can also scan for certain types of add-ins used with Office. Add-ins for all Office applications are identified, but it doesn’t include web add-ins.
The download can be used to install the Readiness Toolkit on a user’s computer. After it’s installed, when you run the Readiness Report Creator, a UI wizard steps you through the process of creating a readiness report. There is also a standalone executable that can be run from the command line or used with scripts. This is useful if you need to collect readiness information from users throughout your enterprise in a more automated manner.
The following information is provided to help you use the Readiness Report Creator:
- Creating a readiness report, including requirements and limitations, choosing the information to base your report on, and the difference between a basic and an advanced report.
- Interpreting the information in the readiness report, for both VBA macros and add-in readiness.
- Getting readiness information for multiple users in an enterprise, and using a command-line version of the Readiness Report Creator to scan multiple computers.
- Use SQL Server to store report results and use Power BI to analyze report results to overcome some of the limitations of using Excel, especially for reports with large quantities of data.
- Use labels to categorize and filter data in reports to help you analyze and make decisions about your organization’s readiness.
- Manage the privacy of data collected in reports to show you how to conceal sensitive information about file paths and names.
- Collect and show add-in usage information in reports to get better insights into which add-ins are used most often within your organization and by whom.
- Additional information, including file extensions that are analyzed by the Readiness Report Creator, the types of add-ins the Readiness Report Creator collects data on, and examples of the information sent to Microsoft when creating an advanced report.